We meet biannually to disseminate advances in solvothermal and hydrothermal science and technology

The 6th International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conference (ISHA2018) will be held on Aug. 8th-12th 2018 in Sendai, Japan.

Solvothermal and hydrothermal research have attracted the attention of many active researchers because of their advantages in the processing of nanostructured materials and their wide variety of technological applications. 

At the Joint Meeting of the 8th International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions
(ISHR) and 7th International Conference on Solvothermal Reactions (ICSTR) in Sendai in August 2006 it was decided that a new international association would be formed.
ISHR and ICSTR would be joined into one big association namely International Solvothermal
and Hydrothermal Association (ISHA). 

International Symposiums and Conferences on Hydrothermal and Solvothermal
Reactions were held once in every 2 or 3 years in different countries. The aim of
this Joint event was to offer an opportunity for researchers from all over the world
to exchange scientific ideas and to promote the basic and applied aspects of
research in hydrothermal and solvothermal technology. 

The 1st ISHA meeting was held in Nottingham (September 2008), followed by Beijing (September 2010), Austin (Jan 2013), Bordeaux (2015) and Taiwan (January 2016). The ISHA2018 conference held in Sendai (August 2018) will focus on science and technology under various reaction environments including high-pressure solvents/water, supercritical fluids, ionic liquids, and related mediums. The purpose of the ISHA2018 conference is to provide a forum for the scientists, engineers and researchers of the world. 

ISHA2018 attempts to share in the latest innovations, advances and future multidisciplinary research with the primary focus on the connection between fundamental science, engineering applications and commercialization of products. This conference will cover wide-variety topics on solvothermal and hydrothermal research, as well as some topics including food science, waste disposal, characterization techniques, origin of life, mathematics and simulation etc.

ISHA meetings aim to move between  the Americas, Europe and Asia to enable maximum attendance.

The Next Meetings

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